Layer 1

Consulting Proposal

Asian Expansion Engagement

Prepared for {{client_name}}
by {{sender_name}} — {{sender_email}}



Dear {{contact_name}} & team,

Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your needs last Thursday. We always enjoy working with you and your team and look forward to getting started on this exciting new phase for {{client_name}}.

As always, if you have any questions about the below please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


{{sender_role}}, {{company_name}}


{{client_name}} has had many years of success growing their business across the US and Canada. While there are many opportunities for internal growth, the company seeks to explore international markets. It is believed that Asia offers the best market for Big Corp's expansion - due to the lack of similar offerings and any serious competitors.

During this initial engagement we will test whether this theory is true. We will look at the opportunity, the risks, the costs and the potential growth that is available.

We will also prepare the way for an expansion into Asia with the help of our team of experts in this field. {{company_name}} has helped over 20 public companies successfully expand into parts of Asia over the past decade. We have a detailed knowledge of the major markets and have experts available for all other smaller developing markets. Our expertise, our proprietary data and our knowledge of Big Corp will enable this project to succeed.



1. Research

{{company_name}} is well known for our research methodology. We will do a market analysis, competition analysis, opportunity analysis and a lightweight risk analysis. We request a small team of two to three analysts from Big Corporation be made available to work with us on relevant aspects of this.

2. Interviews

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Big Corporation's internal structures will be key to {{company_name}} being able to deliver a good outcome that will work for the multiple stakeholders within {{client_name}}.

Further, this will allow our team to rapidly test out theories and discover problems with assumptions.

The senior executive team interviews will be handled by {{name}}, the person managing this engagement.

3. Strategy Sessions

While steps one and two will be done in parallel, the strategy sessions will likely begin to take place towards the end of the research and interview cycle.

We will likely need three sessions of three hours in length.

4. Report & Workshop

The report will be distributed to the team and then discussed in an in-depth workshop.

Shortly after this workshop Big Corporation will either come to a decision, or if a second round of information is needed will provide that second round of information free of charge.

5. Initial launch plan

If the go ahead is given we will work to build out an initial launch plan.

Note: The investment for this plan is a rough guideline.


1. Information & Advice

{{client_name}} will have the information and the advice needed to make an informed decision. While will be the partner leading the engagement, you will have access to any other specialists or partners that you need to advise you on this matter.

2. Decision

{{company_name}} will work with you to ensure that a clear decision is made for FY2020 across:

    1. a.Is Asia the Right Market?
    2. b.If yes, which markets should we target in Asia?

3. Plan

Regardless of what decision is made, the early stages of an excellent launch plan will have been made and will continue to be the intellectual property of {{client_name}} . If you decide not to move ahead in FY2025, you will have the ability to use this work to inform future decisions around this opportunity - as well as potentially launch into certain markets incredibly quickly if an exciting opportunity emerges.

{{company_name}} consulting gave our firm unparalleled service and advice for our global expansion - we saved millions of dollars and completed the initial rollout faster than we thought possible

Jessica Johannes

CEO, Amaze Inc.

Indicative Investment

Note: As requested, this is a draft quote for STAGE ONE. The final proposal price may vary if needs / conditions change.


Billing frequency


$6.00 / month
  • Add a feature here
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$12.00 / month
  • Add a feature here
  • Add a feature here
  • Add a feature here
  • Add a feature here

External research & strategy sessions


Research (Consultant)


Research (Partner)


Initial Strategy (Three sessions)


Internal Interviews


Executive Team


2 Country Managers


Initial Report & First Workshop


Initial Report & Presentation


Stakeholder Workshop (with our internal experts)


First Stage of Implementation


This is only an indicative quote. A full quote will be given by April.

Total Excluding Tax$64,600.00


Estimated Savings

Potential savings after one year

Click below to accept and sign this proposal

About Us

{{company_name}} has been in operation since 2012, helping clients large and small with strategic expansion, accelerating business outcomes, and executing on large-scale initiatives. Our team has a wealth of experience and is ready to jump in.

Our Company

Our Team

This engagement will be lead by {{first_name}} {{last_name}}, {{job_title}}

We will be leveraging the full experience of our network of advisors, both internal to {{company_name}} & trusted experts we know and trust.

Holly Duncan
Founder & CEO

With 17 years in the industry and multiple awards for her extensive career achievements, Holly started {{company_name}} to bring businesses into the modern era.

Jessica Halsh
Sales Director

Jessica brings a wealth of experience from an unconventional path into sales, joined {{company_name}} after selling her luxury watch marketplace in 2015.

Takeoff for Asia?

{{website}} | {{email}}