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Photography Proposal

Prepared for {{company_name}}

Executive Summary

In the visually-driven world we live in, our proposal seeks to capture and convey {{company_name}}'s unique brand story through powerful imagery. Leaning on our extensive experience and creative flair, we're committed to delivering high-quality photography that resonates with your audience.

The Challenge

Currently, {{company_name}} may be grappling with effectively visualising its brand identity. This could manifest as uninspiring visuals, a lack of consistency in imagery, or difficulty in capturing the essence of your products or services. These challenges can obstruct your ability to create a compelling visual narrative for your brand.

Your Priorities

12-Month Goals

{{company_name}} aims to achieve the following within one year:

Develop a Consistent Visual Identity

{{company_name}} aims to establish a consistent visual identity across all platforms within the next year. By adopting a collaborative approach, we plan to ensure the delivery of a visually stunning brand portfolio that truly captures your brand essence.

Elevate Product Photography

Through the creation of captivating product images, {{company_name}} aims to enhance the appeal of your offerings and attract more customers within the next 12 months.

Improve Branding Imagery

Over the next year, {{company_name}} plans to improve your branding imagery. We will implement visually engaging strategies tailored to your specific audience to ensure your brand stands out in the crowd.

Photography Project Plan

Our Photography Project Plan outlines the approach we propose to capture the desired visuals. This includes understanding the objective of the shoot, identifying the subject matter, and deciding on the most effective techniques to use. The plan ensures a smooth process from start to finish, allowing us to deliver high-quality photographs that meet your expectations.

How We Can Help

Visual Identity Creation

Our team will work closely with you to develop a cohesive visual identity that reflects your brand voice and resonates with your audience.

Product Photography

We will create high-quality product photographs that highlight the unique features of your offerings and evoke the desired emotions in your customers.

Branding Imagery

Our photography experts will design and produce impactful and consistent branding imagery to enhance your brand's visual narrative.

What Success Looks Like

  • A consistent and compelling visual identity that captures your brand essence
  • High-quality product photography that enhances the appeal of your offerings
  • Improved branding imagery that resonates with your audience and sets your brand apart
  • A robust visual narrative that tells your unique brand story

Recent Client Wins

We've delivered impressive results for our clients, including:

  • Developed a cohesive visual identity for {{client_1}} that improved their brand recognition by 50%.
  • Enhanced {{client_2}}'s product photography resulting in a 40% increase in sales.
  • Improved {{client_3}}'s branding imagery, resulting in a 30% boost in their social media engagement.

Our Team

Our team consists of experienced photographers, creative directors, and photo editors who have helped numerous clients tell their brand stories through powerful imagery. Each member brings unique skills and expertise, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your project.



Alex Johnson is an innovative leader and seasoned executive in the photography services industry. With a background in business management, Alex has a passion for creating striking visuals that tell compelling stories. As the CEO, Alex steers the company's overarching strategy and growth, building strategic partnerships and keeping the team aligned with their mission to revolutionize the photography industry.



Sarah Mitchell is a seasoned photography expert with a flair for transforming complex visions into stunning photographs. With a degree in visual arts and years of experience in the photography industry, Sarah leads as the Head of Photography Services at ACME Photography, Inc., overseeing the creation and execution of the company's diverse photo projects. Her keen eye for detail and ability to foster a collaborative work environment have been key factors in the success and growth of our company's portfolio.

About Us

For the past X years, we've proudly helped over XX brands communicate their narratives through high-quality photography. We specialize in creating cohesive visual identities, eye-catching product photography, and impactful branding imagery.

Your Investment



Visual Identity Creation

Includes the development of a cohesive visual identity tailored to your brand's unique needs.


Product Photography

Includes the creation of high-quality product images that showcase your offerings in their best light.


Branding Imagery

Includes everything in the previous tiers, along with designing and producing impactful branding imagery to enhance your visual narrative.


Next Steps

Upon agreement on the proposal details, we'll initiate the project kick-off. This phase will involve a detailed understanding of your brand vision, followed by the development of a comprehensive photography plan. We believe in maintaining transparency and open communication throughout the project to ensure all your expectations are met.

We look forward to an opportunity to work together and create a compelling visual identity for your brand. Thank you for considering our proposal.


Our proposal outlines how we can help {{your_company_name}} achieve its objectives through strategic photographic services. We're confident that our bespoke solutions, coupled with our commitment to creativity and quality, will provide immense value to your company. We're excited about the potential of working together and helping {{your_company_name}} visually communicate its unique brand story.

Ready to get started?

Get in Touch

{{phone}} | {{email}} | {{website}}