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Curated Meal Delivery

Sue Chef was started by a stay-at-home mom in Newark to help single mothers provide meals for their families – and yes, her name was Sue. Now a curated meal delivery service throughout New Jersey, Sue Chef wanted to give more to their customers than just ingredients and recipes in a box.

They wanted to show people how easy it was to grow herbs and vegetables for themselves via a series of how-to videos. Sue Chef would also use these videos via social to attract new customers and expand their customer base.

Sue's Big Dream.



The idea behind Sue Chef was simple: make it easy to cook appetizing meals that provided the nutrition a family needed. Sue Chef knew that its customers had begun to possess all the skills they needed to cook for themselves after using the service for a significant period of time. So why not show them how easy it was to grow modern kitchen essentials. We needed to create videos that followed Sue Chef’s mantra of “Bringing food to life” and matched the services ease of use.

Step By Step



Founder and Head Chef, Sue Walker, showed us how she and her team went about choosing meals for the service. By following produce that was in season in specific geographical locations, their food was always fresh. So we created a series of time-lapse videos that would replicate how to plant, nurture, harvest and prepare common kitchen herbs across four parts.

The result was a series of social ads that provided little nuggets of information to get people planting. Location and setting was important so that viewers could replicate the process at home.

Pea Sprout

Sugar snap peas planted in Autumn.


Planted in the summer.

“Three Stripe were easy to work with and really seemed to enjoy helping me share the simplicity of good cooking.”

Sue Walker, Founder, Sue Chef


67% Increase In Engagement

We developed 10 videos that were cut into social media nuggets and full-length how-to explainers. Sue Chef reported that they saw a 67% increase in engagement on their social channels, which led to additional site visits and a 14% rise in sign-ups. People were watching the videos in full and signing up to the service as well.

One thing we didn’t see coming was additional user generated content months after completion of the project, as customers began posting their budding herb gardens, tagging Sue Chef and thanking them for demonstrating the ease of everyday gardening.

Scope Of Work

  • Film Production
  • Production Planning
  • Location scouting
  • Casting
  • Color grading
  • Editing
  • Subtitles and translation (Spanish)

Let’s Talk

If you’ve got a story to tell on video, we want to help you tell it. Get in touch to arrange a meeting.

Email [email protected] | Web